Translation and legalisation
If you need
- a translation from Danish into English or vice versa
- a certified translation or legalised/apostilled translation
- assurance of non-disclosure
- personal service
- advice on the task at hand
- speedy assistance
you have come to the right place.
Your guarantee of quality:
Translating is a skilled profession that involves so much more than fluency in another language. I have an MA in translation and interpretation [Danish/English] and was certified as a translator and interpreter by the relevant government body in 1992. My areas of expertise are translations of legal and financial texts from English into Danish and vice versa, but I have more than 20 years’ experience in a broad range of subjects. I assist major law firms and listed companies, (for further information please see testimonials), and have had a freelance contract with the European Court of Justice since 2017.
Your business partner:
I value quality, professionalism and confidentiality highly and take pride in providing the very best product within the given framework. It is important to me to establish a close and mutually beneficial professional relationship with my clients. You decide to what degree you wish to be involved in the process. Naturally, personal advice and guidance is part of the package.
I am not satisfied until you are.
Please contact me to discuss in more detail how I may help you.